Thursday, February 27, 2014

PST Questions

PST questions:
1.      List the ports available in 8051. State alternate functions of port 3
2.      Draw the structure of Port 0 and explain its operations in input mode
3.      Draw the pin diagram of 8051 and state function of each pin
4.      Write a program in C language to transfer the message “WELCOME” serially at 9600 baud rate, 8 bit data, 1 start bit and 1 stop bit
5.      List the sequence of events that take place while executing an interrupt
6.      Draw the functional block diagram of 8051
7.      Draw the formats of TCON and TMOD registers and explain the bits
8.      Write a program in C to get data (AA H) from Port 0 and send it to port 1 of 8051
9.      Identify the Addressing modes for the following instruction
a.       MOV A,#20H
b.      MOV 80H,A
c.       MOV @R1,35H
d.      MOV A,R0
10.  Write a program in C to generate square wave on P1.2 bit, use interrupt for timer
11.  Draw and describe Harvard Architecture
12.  Explain in detail memory organization of 8051
13.  Explain in detail mode 0 of a timer available in 8051
14.  List the addressing modes of 8051. Also give example of each mode
15.  Draw the structure of Port 0 and explain its operations
16.  Give an overview of 8051 family
17.  Write a program in C language to transfer letter M serially at 4800 baud rate, 8 bit data,1 stop bit
18.  Describe any 4 bit handling instructions of 8051
19.  Draw the format of SCON and describe its functionality
20.  How many timers/counters are available in 8051. When are they used? What is the initialization instruction
21.  Draw PSW of 8051. State the function of each bit
22.  Enlist the various interrupts of 8051 with their priorities, vector locations and cause of interrupts
23.  Divide the data in RAM location 13H by the data in RAM location 14H. Then restore the original data in 13H by multiplying the answer by the data in 14H. Use assembly language for 8051 controller.
1.      Write a program in C language to display “MSBTE” on LCD