To develop an assembly language program of DOS INT 21H using function 3CH (create file)
provides two methods of file handling:
- FCB(file control block)
- Handle functions
Handle functions support hierarchical file
When the program wishes to open or create a file
using handle functions it passes the address of the string specifying the file
to MS – DOS.
Function 3Ch : create file
This interrupt creates a new file
in the designated or default directory on the designated or default disk drive.
For its occurrence AH must be
loaded with 3Ch
It returns a handle*
into the AX register, which can be used by the program for subsequent access to
the file
The following registers are also
used while creating a file(see details on pg. 22)
* A handle is a 16 bit number
assigned by DOS when a file is created or opened which uniquely identifies the
AH = 3Ch
CX = file attribute bits
00 =
01 =
read only
02 =
hidden file
03 =
system file
segment : offset of file name
If function is successful
Carry flag = clear
AX = handle
If function failed
Carry flag = set
AX = error code